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How to Build the Perfect Facebook Page for Lawn Care & Landscaping

For most Lawn Care Owners, Facebook will boost your marketing efforts. More than half the population uses Facebook regularly, and most people will search your company on Facebook before hiring you. 

Learning how to create a compelling Facebook Business Page is crucial for promoting your lawn care brand. In this guide, we'll provide you with step-by-step instructions on setting up and customizing a professional Facebook page specifically tailored to your lawn care business. After making a few changes, your Facebook page will start to attract new clients—without you lifting a finger.

Additionally, we'll share valuable advice on how to use your page to engage with your Facebook audience, sell more work, and successfully grow your business.

You'll be able to harness the power of Facebook to showcase your lawn care services, connect with potential customers, and establish a strong online presence for your business.

Create Your Page

To create a Facebook Business Page, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your personal Facebook account.

  2. Visit

  3. You'll see two options: Business or Brand and Community, or Public Figure.

  4. Click on "Get Started" under the Business or Brand option.

That's it! You're now on your way to creating your own Facebook Business Page for your lawn care business.

Fill Out Your Business’ Info

When creating your Facebook Business Page, make sure to provide your basic business information. Use your official business name, because you can’t change the page name once you create it. However, you can change the category at any time. 

By filling out these details, you'll ensure that your lawn care business's information is accurately represented on your Facebook Page.

Add a Profile and Cover Image

Next, you need to add your first images. 

When adding images to your Facebook Page, remember these important sizes:

Profile picture:

  • Recommended size: 170 x 170 pixels

  • Ideally, use your company logo as the profile picture.

  • Square dimensions work best, but keep in mind that Facebook will crop the photo into a circle for ads and posts, so leave some empty space around the edges.

  • Preview and adjust the image crop when uploading.

Pro Tip: use an image that shows your face. Take off the sunglasses, and smile. Trust us, your clients will appreciate it. 

Cover photo:

  • Recommended size: 820 x 462 pixels

  • The cover photo appears at the top of your page and is an excellent opportunity to showcase your brand and capture attention.

  • Facebook displays cover photos differently on desktops and smartphones, with dimensions of 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on desktops and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall on smartphones.

  • We've found that 820 pixels wide by 462 pixels tall works well for both mobile and desktop.

  • Ensure important text and design elements are centered and preview how the image appears on different devices.

If you don't have a designer, you can use free tools like Canva that offer customizable templates or create your own image using the recommended dimensions. Additionally, you can upload a cover video or create a slideshow of images for added variety. For more inspiration and ideas, refer to our Facebook cover photo guide.

Pro Tip: show off your work on your cover image. You can include an image of your landscaping brand, but avoid taking a picture that only shows off your work truck. Your customers do not care about your truck. 

Complete Your Page Information

When you create a Facebook Business Page, it's important to optimize your profile text for better visibility in search engine results. Google indexes Facebook Business Pages, so the information you include on your profile can impact your ranking in both global and local searches. You want to use words like “Landscaping design” or “Lawn Care, Weed Control, and Mowing,” depending on your business. 

When completing your Facebook business profile, make sure to provide the following information:

  1. Username — Choose a username that reflects your business name or industry. Having a username makes it easier for people to find your page in the URL (, instead of a series of random numbers.

  2. Description — In 255 characters, briefly describe what your page is about. This helps visitors understand your lawn care services and offerings.

  3. Categories — Select up to three relevant categories that describe your lawn care business. This helps potential customers find your page when searching on Facebook.

  4. Contact Information: — Include your business phone number, website, and email address. This makes it convenient for customers to reach out to you. Make sure it’s the same info you use on your website!

  5. Location — If you have a physical store or office, provide your address. You can also mention your service area if you offer lawn care services in specific regions.

  6. Hours — If you have specific opening hours, mention them here. This helps customers know when they can contact or visit your business.

  7. More — In this section, you can add additional details such as a list of your products, price range, and a link to your privacy policy. These extra details provide more comprehensive information about your lawn care business.

Remember, all these details will be displayed in the About section of your Facebook Page. You can also use this section to share more information, such as your business story, awards, lawn services, or any other relevant details that can engage potential customers.

Set the Right Roles

If you intend to share your Facebook marketing responsibilities with a team, you should grant access and assign roles to team members. Set this up right once, and you’ll never have to worry about it again.

To add collaborators to your Facebook page, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to your page settings.

  2. Look for the "Page Roles" section.

  3. In the provided field, type the name of a Facebook friend or someone who has liked your page. Alternatively, you can enter an email address associated with a Facebook account.

  4. Remember, you need to be Facebook friends with anyone you want to add as a collaborator.

Here are the available role options:

  • Admin: Has complete access to everything.

  • Editor: Can edit the page, send messages and post as the page, create Facebook Ads, view insights, and see who created posts or comments.

  • Moderator: Can respond to and delete comments on the page, send messages as the page, create ads, view insights, and see who created posts or comments.

  • Advertiser: Can create ads, view insights, and see who created posts or comments.

  • Analyst: Can view insights and see who created posts or comments.

By assigning roles, you can efficiently share your Facebook marketing responsibilities with your team while controlling their access and privileges.

Usually, the lawn care owner takes the Admin role, and someone on the office staff will take the Editor role. 

Tune Up Your Facebook Business Page

To optimize your page further, you can customize it with various options. 

While on your page, click on the More drop-down menu and choose Edit Tabs. This will allow you to select templates tailored to different types of businesses, such as Nonprofit, Shopping, Services, Restaurants & Cafes, and more. You’ll probably want a “Services” template.

Here, you can either choose a template or manually customize your tabs. Each template comes with a default call-to-action (CTA) button and specific tabs. By clicking on a template, you can preview the tabs and the primary CTA button it offers. For instance, the Restaurants & Cafes template changes your primary CTA button to Get Directions and includes tabs for your menu, offers, reviews, and photos. After selecting a template, you have the flexibility to remove unnecessary tabs or rearrange them to prioritize the most important ones.

Do this, and you will dramatically improve the “usability” of your Facebook page, which makes it easier—and more likely—for leads and clients to sign up for your services here.

Get Content Ready BEFORE Sharing

Before you start promoting your professional Facebook page to friends and potential customers, it's a good idea to have some content prepared. We recommend publishing three to five posts and planning out another week's worth of content in advance. Try experimenting with different types of social media content, such as videos, images, short text posts, long text posts, links, Facebook Lives, and Facebook Stories.

For landscaping and lawn care, images or videos of your finished work will perform best with your clients. Show off those new flowers you installed, that new mulch job, or just a really clean cut! 

The more people engage with your content, the more often your posts will appear in their News Feed. So, understanding the types of content that resonate with your leads is essential.

Once your page is ready for promotion, you can link to it on other social media networks and your website. Additionally, invite your friends to Like the page. If you have collaborators on your page, they can also send invites to their friends.

It’s Your Data. Use It! 

Facebook Insights provides valuable information about your audience demographics, such as age, gender, and location. You can also determine the days and times when your fans are most active online by accessing Page Insights and navigating to the Posts section. Posting when your fans are online increases your chances of engagement.

Monitoring your content's performance enables you to tailor it to your audience's preferences. For example, you might discover that video posts have high engagement rates while text posts receive more shares. This insight allows you to focus on sharing more videos to boost engagement or include more text posts to increase brand awareness.

Want to grow your landscaping business even faster?

Lightspeed Social Agency is here to help! Our agency specializes in creating highly targeted and compelling Facebook ad campaigns that generate leads, increase brand visibility, and drive leads, and help you get the profits you deserve.

Get a free strategy session tailored to your business!