Lightspeed Social

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The 3 Easiest Ways to Get Lawn Care Clients Right Now

Want to find more clients and sell more lawn care jobs right now? I’m going to show you the 3 easiest (and most effective) ways to grow your client base rapidly. Whether you’re in the busy season and want more jobs, or your sales are slowing down and you need a boost, these tactics will help you pick up new clients starting today.

We’ll start with the fastest tactic, and move on to the strategies that will net you a huge number of new clients ASAP.

#3 - Ask Your Competitors (Seriously)

This strategy hinges on one simple truth: there are more lawn care jobs than workers. Many lawn care businesses simply have too many clients, either because they sold too much work, or they expanded beyond their local area (and can’t reach all their clients in time). 

Lucky for them, you can come to the rescue. 

Get a list of lawn care providers in or near your target area, and call them up and ask if they have any clients they might refer to you. Make sure you have a good script ready, so you don’t waste their time. Tell them:

  • Who you are

  • How long you’ve been in business

  • If you have your business license and insurance

The idea is that you want to help them offload their plate, because chances are they have too many jobs already. This tactic only costs a bit of time, and it’s a win/win: you get new clients, and the other guys will thank you for helping them out. This tactic works best if you are starting a new lawn care business, because people love to help out the new guys. It’s also a great way to build relationships in your area.

#2 - Offer a One-Time Referral Bonus

In general, discounting your services is a bad idea, because it teaches your clients that your services might as well be cheaper. It only helps you pick up price shoppers, which will reduce your profits and hurt your business.

Referral bonuses, on the other hand, are a fantastic tool for quickly picking up new clients. Here’s the fastest way to get this tactic up and running:

  1. Create a one-time referral offer that says: “For every client you refer who signs up for weekly mowing, I’ll discount your next mowing service by $XX.”

  2. Send out 1-3 emails to all your existing clients, explaining the offer and giving them a time limit.

  3. Wait for the referrals to come flooding in.

Not only is this a great way to get new clients into your business fast, it’s also a great tool for growing your clientbase over a long period of time. We’ve seen referral bonuses that include discounts, free add-on services, or simple cash back. These bonuses will thrill your existing clients, and turn them into sales people for your business.

#1 - Use Facebook Ads to Target the Best Clients, Right Now

Facebook Ads are the most underrated tool for picking up lawn care clients. To get started with Facebook Ads, you need to create a Facebook Business Account, target a specific audience (or a neighborhood) and start running your ads. You can even run retargeting ads, which we’ve used to help lawn care businesses pick up new clients (worth $1500-$2000) for as little as $5 per client with this strategy. That’s an insane return on investment.

And yet, most lawn care owners will never touch them. Why? 

The truth is, Facebook and digital ads in general can be an intimidating strategy. There’s a steep learning curve, and if you mess it up, you might end up spending more money than you make …

That’s why we started Lightspeed Social Agency. We’re a agency that specailizes in creating local, highly-targeted ads for the lawn and landscape industry. 

We’ve helped dozens of lawn care business owners rapidly grow their client base with highly-optimized ads designed to sell to entire neighborhoods. These ads build incredibly efficient routes, so you and your teams can finish more jobs in a day, and your business grows faster.

We have a ton of content on our YouTube and this blog to help lawn care owners like you get your own Facebook Ads up and running. If you want our agency to do the work for you, we would be honored to talk with you and show you how Lightspeed Social Agency will help you get the clients—and the growth—you deserve.

Talk to us here for a consultation.

We’ll get your ads up and running fast, and our proven ad strategies will get you new clients all year long.