3 Reasons Why Lawn Companies Can’t Grow Past $100,000

It is very possible to grow a lawn care business past $100,000 a year. In some cases, we’ve seen new owners start a successful lawn care business and hit that $100,000 mark within the first 12 months … and keep growing.

But most lawn care and landscaping owners get stuck under $100,000. Why? 

If you’re just starting, or if you’ve been middling between $40k and $80k, we’re about to show you the 3 biggest mistakes that hold your lawn business back.

#3 - You Have the Wrong Business Plan

…or maybe you don’t have a business plan at all.

Most lawn and landscaping owners default to this model: I’ll sell whatever work I can to whoever I can, and hope that it works out. 

They offer too many services…

They sell to anyone and everyone…

And while they do make some money, it’s unpredictable and—worst of all—not scalable. You might sell a job for $1000 once… but if you can’t sell it again and again, what’s the point?

If you want to grow a seriously impressive landscaping business, you need to create a better business plan that allows your business to scale big: 

  • Cut down on your services. Only offer a few services that you can do perfectly.

  • Sell only to your ideal clients. Fire any client that isn’t worth your time, and keep your profit margins high.

  • Focus on route density. Don’t sell across 50 sq. miles. Try to dominate a handful of neighborhoods at a time. 

Only your smartest competitors are thinking about these things, and you know what? It pays off. The right business plan will help you crystallize your vision and skyrocket your growth.

#2 - Your Prices Are Too Low

Stop trying to compete with cheapskates and “lowballers.” It’s a race to the bottom, and nobody wins that race.

Instead of competing with low prices, you must compete with high quality services. Far better to target high-end clients who will pay for good, professional work than to fight over cheap clients who will complain about every little detail not being perfect … who only pay you a few dollars for hours of hard work. 

You must price for profit. Check out this guide on how to raise your landscaping prices, and start making real money for your work. 

This will empower you to go after higher-value clients—people with money, who will be HAPPY to pay for your services. The real bonus? These clients tend to be much easier to deal with.

#3 - Your Marketing Budget is $0

This one hurts.

Good landscape marketing is the cornerstone of growing your business. It allows you to sell work 24/7 without lifting a finger. It’s the ultimate tool for scaling your growth to $100,000, and it’s the only way anyone hits that goal of $1 million in revenue. 

And yet, we hear it all the time: “I don’t really market.” Or “I don’t have a budget.” Or “I rely on word of mouth.”

Listen to the Episode: Ep. 14 - Unlock Your Growth Potential w/ John Pajak

If you’re stuck under $100,000 chances are, you’re not spending nearly enough on marketing. You’re probably hesitant to spend money because you worry you might lose it all. Marketing is not a gamble. It’s a tool for growth. Marketing lets you spend a few dollars to pick up a few thousand dollars. 

If you could spend $10, $20, or even $100 to get clients who make you $1000… why wouldn’t you?!

How much should you spend on ads? This guide will help you find your marketing budget based on your business’s specific goals and numbers.

Where Should You Spend Your Marketing Dollars?

Here’s the quick and simple version: 

We strongly recommend you build out your website first, which shouldn’t cost too much. Use a website builder like Wix or Squarespace to get your professional website up and running fast.

Then, start creating Facebook Ads. They’re super powerful, and they allow you to target local clients. It’s one of landscaping’s best kept secrets to true growth. Once you get good at using digital ads to grow your business, you can use them to find a very specific group of clients and to dominate a specific market.

Don’t worry. You don’t have to do this on your own. Lightspeed Social is an expert landscape marketing agency that helps businesses like yours hit—and grow past—the $100,000 mark. We help green industry companies get started with digital ads, and we can help you see the growth you deserve. 

Contact us to see how Lightspeed Social Agency can help you hit your biggest goals, and attain greater profits. 

Get Your Personalized Quote Now.


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