5 Services Your Lawn Care Marketing Agency MUST Do

Growing your lawn care business is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. Not everyone is cut out for the job—which is why we see so many business owners fall off after a few years.

But you have what it takes. I know, because you’re reading this, which means you are actively looking for ways to improve your business. 

Growing your business is about finding the right strategy, and sticking with it. Fortunately, hiring a marketing agency is a GREAT strategy for driving more leads, boosting your sales, and growing your revenue each year.

Most lawn care owners don’t have time to learn all the ins and outs of marketing. 

The smart move? Hire people who already know the green industry, inside and out. Hire a team that has worked with businesses at the size you WANT to be because they will help you achieve your growth goals.

Today, I’ll give you the 5 services that your lawn care marketing agency MUST DO to help you achieve the growth you deserve.

1. Do they run Hyper-Local Targeting through Facebook and Instagram Ads?

Route density is the lifeblood of every lawn care company. If you’re too spread out, you spend too much time driving — and not enough on getting the job done. 

This costs you an insane amount of money.

That’s why “hyper-local targeting” is key to your growth. You need to be able to target a specific neighborhood and sell, sell, sell. You need to be able to dominate a small corner of the market for maximum profit. Then, you can expand a little, and dominate the next corner … and so on.

The best tools to do this are Facebook and Instagram ads. 

Hyper-local targeting through platforms like Facebook and Instagram is all about getting your business in front of a specific, local audience. We’ve talked about Facebook ads so many times on this blog because it really is the secret weapon for lawn care owners everywhere. It’s like waving a magnet over a zipcode and getting all the right clients—without wasting money on the wrong ones.

When looking for a lawn care marketing agency, ask about their approach to hyper-local targeting. Do they understand the nuances of your community? Are they equipped to tailor messages to resonate with local preferences? Ask for examples of campaigns that successfully engaged local clients. It's all about finding an agency that shares your passion for connecting on a community level.

2. Can they run efficient Google Ads for a local lawn care company?

Imagine someone urgently searching for lawn care services in your area. Google Ads can put your business right in their line of sight, like a lighthouse guiding ships to safety. I've run dozens of Google Ads accounts over the years, and let me tell you, it's like having a VIP ticket to the top of search results.

In short: if you’re trying to grow a 7- or 8-figure lawn care business, you need to use Google Ads. 

While some people say they can do Google Ads, they don’t really know how to be efficient with them. They shove your money down the tube, and you barely get any ROI. 

As you evaluate potential agencies, ask about their experience with Google Ads. Have they successfully managed campaigns for businesses in the lawn care industry? What's their strategy for selecting keywords that resonate with high-intent searchers? Remember, it's not just about clicks; it's about attracting clients who are ready to buy right then and there.

3. Will they help you fix your Website to get more sales?

Think of your website as your storefront – the first impression matters. Website optimization is how you keep visitors buying from you, again and again. But you also need to optimize the “flow” that all visitors take. What do they see first? How does it make them feel? How does your website urge them to hire you on the spot?

I've witnessed the transformational impact of a well-optimized website, turning casual visitors into loyal clients. And I’ve seen the wrong websites waste boatloads of visitors… Trust me, you want to an optimized storefront. It will dramatically increase the ROI of ALL your marketing efforts.

When considering a marketing agency, delve into their approach to website optimization. Do they prioritize user experience, ensuring visitors can easily navigate your most important pages? Can they provide examples of websites they've optimized? A top-notch agency will help you build a virtual storefront that generates new clients, 24/7.

4. Will they build you Email Campaigns that grow your revenue?

Your email lists are some of the most fruitful assets in your business. Think of them like a garden, full of veggies and fruit, just waiting to be plucked. Email campaigns are like tending to that garden of client relationships. Each time you provide valuable content, promotions, or updates, you are watering that garden. Then, you can build out an email campaign that allows you to harvest that garden, so you get huge profits (and tons of new jobs sold) from just a few words in your clients’ inboxes. 

Does your agency understand the value of email campaigns? Do they understand how to nurture your clients, and how to keep them subscribed? Can they share success stories of clients who saw increased engagement and conversions through their email campaigns? 

5. SEO and Social Media Posting for Increased Visibility: Shining in the Digital Sunlight

Just as sunlight fuels plant growth, SEO and social media fuel your business visibility. SEO ensures your business sprouts at the top of search engine results, while social media broadcasts your message to a wider audience. Having witnessed the transformation firsthand, I can tell you – these strategies can make your business grow incredibly fast.

Local SEO is a “zero-sum game.” Basically, if you win, all your competitors lose. Getting into the top search results can mean a 10x increase to your traffic. It’s truly amazing how much of a difference it makes.

When evaluating agencies, dive into their approach to SEO and social media. Do they have a track record of boosting search engine rankings for businesses like yours? Can they provide examples of how their social media strategies led to increased engagement and brand recognition? It's about selecting an agency that will be your beacon in the digital landscape.

Conclusion: Nurturing Your Business Growth

And there you have it – all the services that the perfect lawn care marketing agency will offer for your business. Remember, just as you nurture lawns to flourish, your marketing agency should nurture your business growth. By aligning with an agency that excels in hyper-local targeting, Google Ads, website optimization, email campaigns, SEO, and social media, you're poised for a season of growth like never before.

Ready to Elevate Your Lawn Care Business? Let's Chat!

You already have a passion for growing your business. Now, the right marketing agency for your lawn care business will make you look like a hero. 

Lightspeed Social is a marketing agency that specializes in Lawn Care. We’ve helped dozens of $1m+ lawn care businesses build out their marketing, and dominate their local markets. If you want our team of expert marketers working for you, contact us here

Together, we'll build your success and help you take your business to the next level. 


The Easy Guide to Google Business Profile for Lawn Care and Landscaping