5 Reasons to Hire a Landscape Marketing Agency Right Now

 1. Look at Your Marketing with Fresh Eyes

You know your business is valuable—you provide a great service that customers want to buy. But how do you know if your marketing strategies are working? How do you know if you’re doing the right things, and paying for the right kind of advertising? When you work with a marketing agency, you instantly get a fresh set of eyes. Your new marketing experts will tell you exactly what’s working, what’s not, and how to fix the main marketing issues in your business.

Maybe you need new marketing materials for an updated look, or maybe you need to explore new marketing channels to reach more of your ideal clients. Consult a marketing agency that specializes in the green industry, and you’ll instantly gain access to new eyes—and smart strategies—tailor-made for your business.

2. More Time to Do What Matters Most

Are you doing $20/hr work or $2000/hr work? In our post on building a $1 million landscaping company, we talked about the value of your time. The point: as the owner, your time is your most valuable asset.

By outsourcing your marketing efforts to an experienced agency, you free up huge amounts of time. Every landscape business needs to market, but as the owner, marketing might not be your strong suit. In fact, it’s a good thing if you find and hire an expert agency, because your valuable time is better spent working on your business, instead of tweaking and optimizing individual ad campaigns. You get to focus on what you do best, while your new agency handles all the work that goes into marketing.

3. Save Tons of Money

Hiring a landscape marketing agency is also an extremely cost-efficient way to grow your company. Yes, you spend money initially, but you will save in the longrun compared to having a dedicated marketing team, which requires a salary, benefits, health care, and marketing tools. A good agency handles all these costs for you. In addition, an agency will help your landscape business fine tune your advertising costs, which means you will get a better return on every marketing dollar you spend.

4. Get More Creative Solutions

Looking for new tactics that actually work? Need to come up with creative ideas that solve your lack of clients … or your hiring problems?

As a landscaping business owner, you have enough on your plate to think about. When you outsource these problems, you also outsource the mental work required to come up with solutions to your marketing problems. It’s expensive in terms of time and money to generate creative ideas that capture attention and spread the word about your business. Hire a marketing agency and leave that to the professionals.

5. Set Yourself Up for Massive Growth

If you want to grow faster than your competitors, you need to do what they can’t … or what they won’t to do. That means investing in your business and your marketing efforts. This kind of mindset will set you up for massive success in the future. If you’ve ever struggled with getting more clients, or finding more employees to fill out your roster, finding a marketing agency that specializes in landscaping will help you achieve the growth you’ve always wanted. 

At Lightspeed Social Agency, we are landscape marketing experts. We’ve worked with hundreds of lawn care and landscaping professionals to grow their businesses through targeted, local ads on Facebook, Indeed, and more. If you want to make this your best year ever, we would be honored to boost your landscaping business to new heights. 

Contact us here to see how Lightspeed Social Agency will help you grow faster than ever.


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