How To: Work Remotely (and be productive)

Working from home is freaking awesome, especially awesome that your home can be anywhere! You can visit a cool place on your off day and stay a couple nights (maybe weeks!) or you can work on building your own personal garden at home. I run the business from my home and also our team members operate out of theirs. We’ve been running successfully and thought we’d share a couple tips to get you on track.

Start Early

This is #1 on our list. This doesn’t mean checking emails as soon as your feet hit the ground. That could be a little unhealthy. Get your routine in place. Maybe make a pot of coffee or some tea, stretch a little, meditate, whatever you need to wake yourself. Give yourself some time to charge. That’s when I like to start on a project. You’d be surprised how much you can knock out by 9 AM (when you used to be commuting). Then once you’ve found a stopping place, make something for breakfast or take a break.

Have a Designated Work Space

We’ve all done it, trying to work from the couch with your dog as an armrest (he probably likes it!). It just doesn’t work. It’s uncomfortable and not great for your back. Also, your couch is for relaxing. It’s not the office. It’s a good idea to separate your leisure space from your work area. This will put your mind in the right place mentally. 

Leave the House… If You Need To

For some, working from home just doesn’t cut it. That’s okay! Go somewhere else like a coffee shop or library. It simulates the work environment with the noise and people and maybe that’s exactly what you need. It’s sometimes difficult to ignore that your fridge needs to be cleaned out.

Plan For Tomorrow

After waking up early, this is on the top of my priorities. Every afternoon, or when the idea comes to me, I start creating a schedule for the following day. This gives me something I know I need to do and holds me accountable. I planned to write this blog post yesterday and now it’s being written!

Don’t Be Too Flexible With Your Schedule

You always hear people saying how working from home gives them a “flexible schedule”. There are definitely times when it comes in handy to be flexible, but doing work here and there throughout the day just keeps you from doing the more difficult work. This goes back to waking up early, otherwise you’ll find yourself working far more than you need to.

Stay Off Social Media

...unless you directly work with it. Otherwise STAY AWAY, it’s a time sink that only takes and never gives. Unless you're posting about your business, refrain from having the apps accessible, and keep it strictly business. You will ultimately thank yourself.

Responsibility Is Freedom

“The price of greatness is responsibility” - Winston Churchill

Hopefully our tips serve you as they’ve done for us. As a business owner it’s important to take on different challenges. Working remotely may be new to you and you may need to work out a couple kinks to get flowing along. Hold yourself accountable and be ready for what’s next!


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