6 Ways to Stop Competitors From Stealing Your Best Lawn Care Employees

If your lawn care business is thriving, you probably have a team of lawn techs you depend on to keep your business running smoothly. And, chances are, your competitors have noticed. Some other lawn companies will try to steal your employees away from your organization by offering higher wages, improved benefits, or better career growth.

If you want to stop your competitors from stealing your best lawn care employees, start using these hiring strategies. You might even find new hires eager to sign up and work for you:

Enhance Your Pay and Benefits Package

In the lawn care business, it's crucial to ensure that your employees feel valued and appreciated by their employer. One of the most direct ways to demonstrate this is by offering fair compensation and a competitive benefits package. If you fail to provide an outstanding salary and attractive benefits, your competitors may seize the opportunity to lure your employees away with more enticing offers.

Lawn care wages can only go so high, but you can make your business stand out by giving your employees an unusually generous benefits package:

Here are some tips:

  1. Schedule time to assess your compensation structure. Can you give raises this year? Have you considered moving to a pay-for-performance model to increase morale and get more work done?  

  2. Enhance your benefits. What perks can you offer to demonstrate your appreciation for your employees? Holidays and retirement options go a long way in the Green Industry. These supplementary benefits can significantly contribute to employee satisfaction and make your organization a more attractive place to work.

Remember, a comprehensive compensation and benefits package not only helps retain your top talent but also attracts new skilled professionals to join your lawn care business.

Listen to Your Employees' Concerns

Usually, if an employee is unhappy, they will let you know. But you have to listen. Make it a priority to listen to your employees and create an environment where they feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions. This will help you get ahead of growing problems, and nip them in the bud. 

Here's how you can effectively listen to your employees' concerns and feedback:

  1. Schedule one-on-one conversations: even if you only spend 5-10 minutes in these conversations, you can help your employees feel valued and taken care of. Show them that your door is open, and they will come to you first.

  2. Get your team involved in decisions: while it may not always be possible to address every concern or implement every suggestion, make an effort to communicate your decisions transparently. Explain the reasoning behind your choices and provide alternative solutions whenever applicable. By involving your employees in the decision-making process, they will feel empowered and more connected to the organization.

Give Your Employees a Path to Career Growth

Most people don’t envision themselves pushing a mower until the day they retire. Most people want to do more than that.

As the owner of a lawn care business, you possess valuable insights into the ambitions, goals, and skill sets of your employees. Leverage this advantage by engaging in conversations with each individual employee to understand their career aspirations and how they envision their future within your company. Collaboratively create a career plan that includes a timeline for their professional development and training, leading to greater roles and increased salaries within your organization.

  • Can they become a crew leader?

  • Can they grow into a new sales position? 

  • What options does your company provide, and how will you help your employees reach these new heights?

Build a Strong Company Culture

How do you celebrate your employees? How do you get everyone involved for big wins inside your company? 

Your people want to work for a boss who respects them and gives them a healthy work-life balance. Figure out how you can make them feel good about working for you and you will build a stronger company culture that actually attracts new talent. 

Always Get an Exit Interview

Don’t let an employee quit without giving an exit interview. This is a painful task, but it will give you direct insight into the reasons behind your employee’s departure. Find out if it’s a hiring mistake or something else, then fix it. This will give you the confidence to build a powerful 

Exit interviews provide an opportunity to directly inquire about their reasons for leaving and gather feedback on how their employment experience could have been improved. By analyzing common factors identified through these interviews, you can address them when hiring future employees and make necessary adjustments within your organization.

Read the Ultimate Hiring Guide for Lawn Care & Landscaping

The tips above will help you build a more loyal workforce that never leaves you. These strategies will also help you find more employees as you grow. Some will hear about your great culture or strong benefits, and you’ll have new hires coming to you. You might even poach a few of your competitors employees!

If you want to keep growing your business, be sure to check out this Ultimate Hiring Guide for Lawn & Landscape.


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