The 3 Best Ways to Find & Hire Landscaping Employees

Finding landscaping employees is tough. Finding a GREAT landscaping employee? Even harder. 

“Nobody wants to work anymore” — that’s just plain wrong. Most people want to work. They want to live, support their families, and contribute to a great company. There are hundreds of thousands of landscapers working today, maybe even while you’re reading this article. The hard part is finding them. 

Use one of these 3 strategies, and you will attract top talent who will contribute to the success of your landscaping or lawn care company. Here, we’ll give you the 3 best ways to finding and retaining the best lawn care employees: 

1. Start Offering Employee Referral Bonuses

Don’t just ask your best employees for referrals—give them an incentive. 

Your current employees can be your strongest allies in identifying and attracting top talent in the lawn care industry. These workers often have friends, family, or old work buddies who have the skills required for success. They also understand what it takes to be a good worker for your particular company. 

By incentivizing employee referrals, you can encourage your best employees to recommend qualified candidates.

Offer a $100 bonus or more to employees if they refer someone that you hire and who stays with the company for at least a month. This not only benefits both parties involved, but also fosters higher employee engagement and loyalty. They get to work with people they know, and you get new, great employees.

2. Start Running Job Ads

Your competitors run ads on job websites. Giant landscaping corporations like BrightView run job ads. So why don’t you? 

The best landscaping and lawn employees are on Job Sites like:

  • Indeed

  • Monster

  • ZipRecruiter

  • LinkedIn

These people aren’t waiting for a job to fall from the sky. They are looking for work, right now. They want to work for your company. Job ads make sure they find you.

Want your job ads to work? 

Crafting effective job advertisements is crucial for attracting the right workers to your business. Highlight the unique benefits of working for your company. Be genuine and emphasize what sets your organization apart, such as a positive work culture or growth opportunities.

Equally important, ensure that your job descriptions convey respect and value for the skills and experiences of potential candidates. By demonstrating a genuine interest in applicants, you can establish a positive employer brand that appeals to top talent.

We strongly recommend you start with Indeed, as it’s one of the easiest and largest job hiring networks. If you need to hire multiple employees per month, our Marketing Agency can help you set up your hiring ad campaigns, and keep them running at optimal efficiency. We can help you keep your roster topped off all year long.

3. Pay More

I know. 

This industry already suffers from low profit margins. Paying more cuts into your profit. But it’s impossible to grow if you can’t keep your best employees.

Competitive compensation is the key to attracting and retaining top talent in the lawn care field. You won’t find good employees if you refuse to pay for them. 

Good employees understand their worth and are unlikely to settle for less. By offering a higher wage or financial perks, you can position your company as an appealing employer and differentiate yourself from the competition.

Poaching Employees?

Paying more not only attracts highly skilled candidates, but also enhances the reputation of your organization. Positive word-of-mouth travels fast, and when employees are fairly compensated, they are more likely to spread positive feedback about your company. This can lead to a ripple effect, making your job ads more effective and encouraging more employee referrals.

It can also help you poach really good employees from your competitors—we’ve seen this happen many times before.

Pay for Performance 

Implementing a pay-for-performance model can also be advantageous, as it incentivizes employees to work hard and rewards their contributions. When employees see a direct correlation between their efforts and their compensation, they become more motivated to excel and contribute to the success of your lawn care business.

Find Better Landscaping Workers

Finding and retaining top talent for your lawn care business requires strategic and thoughtful efforts. Use employee referrals, create compelling job advertisements that highlight your company's benefits, and offer competitive compensation packages. This will help you attract exceptional candidates and retain them for the long term. 

Remember, investing in your employees not only strengthens your workforce but also contributes to the growth and success of your lawn care business. Great employees will free up your time, so you can work ON your business, instead of getting stuck in it.


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