How to Find the Best Marketing Agency for Your Landscaping Business

As a landscaping business owner, you know that a strong marketing strategy will attract new clients and grow your business. However, marketing costs both time and money. You need someone on your team who has experience with your clients and marketing expertise. Hiring a marketing agency that specializes in landscaping is usually the best choice.

The right agency will make your marketing dollars go so much further. You’ll generate more business, more profit, and a better ROI (return on investment) than simply trying to do it all yourself. 

However, with so many marketing agencies out there, it can be overwhelming to find the right one for your business. In this article, we'll share some tips on how to find the best marketing agency for your landscaping business.

1. Determine Your Needs and Budget

Before you start your search for an agency, you need to define your marketing needs.

When some people think marketing, they think it’s all about help with emails, SEO, or social media. But, most likely, you need a complete marketing strategy designed to help you find new leads, get more clients, and turn those clients into repeat, high-profit jobs. Marketing is a powerful tool to help you grow your bottom line, so look for an agency that will help you focus on profit.

You’ll also need to find your marketing budget. Marketing agencies will cost anywhere from $500 per month to $10,000+, and may yield results based on their pricing.

Here’s the good news: some agencies, like Lightspeed Social Agency, actually specialize in landscape and lawn care marketing, so we can charge less than expensive “anything goes” marketing agencies. As a bonus, a great landscape marketing agency will also understand your clients better than anyone else, meaning you’ll spend less money … to get better clients.

2. Ask for Referrals from Other Landscaping Owners

Talk to your friends and colleagues in the landscaping industry. Chances are, if someone likes their marketing agency, they’ll tell you! (Though, I would probably avoid asking your competitors which agency they use.)

You can also go to a landscaping event, like GIE, to network with other business owners and marketing experts. These events are a great time to get in-person referrals, or to meet agencies and learn about their services.

3. Find Them Online

Any marketing agency worth its salt will have an active online presence. If a marketing agency keeps popping up in your social media feed (or YouTube), they might be a great match for you—because they know your industry, and they know how to be seen. Isn’t that the point of marketing?

Chances are, because you’re reading this you article, our agency can help you. Lightspeed uses the highest ROI strategy for landing you new clients, new work, and more income for your landscaping or lawn care business. We’ve optimized this hyper-local strategy across years of research and testing, and now we’re bringing it to landscaping companies like yours. 

Talk to us here if you want to learn more about how we will help your landscaping business grow faster than ever.

4. Look for Relevant Experience

When you’re looking at an agency, you need to make sure they actually understand the landscaping world. Most agencies will work with any client that comes along, which means they’ll use a generalized strategy. The problem is, these general strategies can yield handfuls of non-ideal clients, which clogs up your sales pipeline. Worse, if this agency has bigger clients than you—you won’t get the attention you deserve.

Before signing anything, you need to vet them. Are they experts in the Green Industry, or do they just have a handful of clients in landscaping?

When you hire an agency, you are paying them for their marketing expertise and their knowledge of your industry. Your marketing agency should understand the landscaping industry, inside-and-out.

5. Check Their Reviews and Testimonials

The last tip: make sure your agency is in good standing.

Some marketing agencies are great at “looking professional” without actually performing professionally. Check their online reviews and testimonials. If they have too many negative reviews that all point to a specific problem, that’s probably a sign to move on and look for a new agency. 

You want your marketing agency to be: 

  • Good at collaboration

  • Good at communication

  • Great at working for you (and not for themselves!) 

Trust your gut. Talk to the agency in question, and get a feeling for how they communicate and operate. One conversation will tell you more than any amount of fancy graphics or flashy videos. After all, finding the best marketing agency is about getting results for your business.

Finding the best marketing agency for your landscaping business requires some research and due diligence. By defining your marketing needs, looking for relevant experience, and checking reviews and testimonials, you'll be able to find an agency that will help you grow faster and build the business of your dreams.

Need a Great Landscaping Marketing Agency?

Lightspeed Social Agency is here to help you grow. Our expert team of marketers will work with you to create the perfect hyper-local strategy. We’ll help you get better clients, more dense routes, and a healthier profit. 

Contact us here for a free quote!


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