The Secret To Successful Facebook Ad Creative

Most Facebook ads fail due to two factors -  they either target incorrectly or their creative is a total snooze.

You can quickly learn how to correctly target your Facebook ads:

When it comes to ad creative, it boils down to your ads’ copy and graphics. Your content needs to be engaging enough to stop people mid-scroll. In other words, your ad creative needs to be… well, creative.

Don’t panic! There are some practices and tools you can use to get your ads to the next level. Your ads can be professional while not feeling totally corporate. You’re not mom-and-pop but you still want people to know you’re a local business. That’s the sweet spot where we want to be. 

Give these tips a try:

Turn Your Posts Into Gifs

With the popularity of TikTok and Instagram/Facebook Reels, it’s important for your ads to have movement. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth millions. We are all drawn to movement, and having those extra seconds of user attention can be the catalyst that pushes someone to request a quote.

As for making creative, we recommend Canva for an easy-to-use marketing tool. They have great tutorials on their site, which doesn’t include the thousands of user tutorials on YouTube. Everything is drag and drop, and it allows you to easily convert your project into a moving gif

Your Copy Needs to Sell

Your copy should be clear and concise. You can read our blog, but I’ll also give you a quick breakdown:

  • Use emotionally-packed power words

    • Sell the feeling, with words like: stress free, no fuss, quick and easy.

  • After selling the emotion, help justify their decision with logic. These are the facts.

    • “Less time mowing means more time doing what you want to do”.

  • Use one CTA

    • Make it as easy as possible, which is why we recommend sending them to your quote page. Phone calls don’t convert well, because it takes more effort.

I’d like to toss in another tip to help avoid writer’s block. I find it very helpful to write on paper and then transfer it over to the keyboard, but this may not be the case for you.

Use Your Phone Camera!

As mentioned, movement is a great way to attract more attention. If you haven’t already, film an introduction video of yourself to have on your website’s front page and on any landing pages for ads. It puts a face to your service, and shows commitment, transparency, professionalism, and trustworthiness.

We even have a fill-in-the-blank script you can use to introduce you and your business

Record, record, record. Starting a landscape project? Record it. Finished a landscape project? Record it. Now you have an awesome video showing the before and after of your work. Keep doing that. Encourage your staff to take some work related videos. That will show to your customer base that your team is made up of passionate individuals. Organic photos/videos of your work will go exponentially farther than a couple stock photos.

Always Have a Clear CTA

Make sure your Call-to-Action is easily visible and gets the point across. If you’re offering estimates, have it in your creative where it’s impossible to miss. Your ad should have a direct link to your said landing page. The easier, the better. 

Include the CTA in the copy, as well as in the gif/video.

Your landing page should be using the same language and theme as your ads too. If your landing page is jarringly different from your ad, it can be disorienting to the potential customer - did the link take them to the right place? Keep in mind that this funnel all works together, so consistency across platforms is key.

Turn On Dynamic Creative

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, and don’t put your entire marketing budget into one ad. 

Dynamic creative allows you to have up to 5 choices of copy and CTA buttons, along with 10 pieces of media. If possible, you should have all your options filled with original content. With its algorithm, Facebook chooses the best combination of all your elements to create the highest performing ad possible. It’s constantly making unique ads, which means someone can be shown your ad multiple times without seeing the exact same one…that’s POWERFUL.

You need to be doing this. It’s a little more work but it’s been proven that dynamic creative produces better results than just relying on one ad. Be aware that it does take some time (about a day) for Facebook to start delivering results.

Where Do I Begin?

I’d recommend starting with our Facebook targeting tutorial. This breaks down how to deliver your ads to the exact neighborhoods you want.

Once you’ve targeted, it’s time to get your copy and creative in place. For help with copy, you can check out our blog and also I recommend Facebook’s Ad library. The Ad Library allows you to search any active ad currently running on Facebook. It can help inspire you with new ideas and different approaches for your creative. Also, obligatory Canva plug for building your ads.

Are you looking for professional help?

We have you covered - this is our bread and butter (want some proof?). With our years of combined marketing experience, we know exactly where and how to make every dollar count. Our specialty revolves around route-based businesses, and we’ve helped many companies expand their clientele with a positive ROI. 

So many businesses are afraid to invest in their marketing efforts, and they fail to realize that their fear is holding their growth back. How long are you going to wait for someone to “hear” about you? 

First, let the world know you exist, and your service will do the rest.


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