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How to Quickly Write Copy that Converts

When was the last time you bought something that cost more than $100?  What made you decide it was worth that much? Did you want it? Did you need it? Was there no other option? Was it the best one? The “coolest” one?

More importantly, how did it make you feel?

Think about your phone. Why that model and not another? Are you an iPhone loyalist? Maybe you like how easy it is to use. It’s simple, and so that’s one less thing to think about. You aren’t so much buying the phone as much as you are buying the feeling of it making your life easier.

People buy with emotion, then justify with logic. And those are the key points to hit to write compelling copy that actually converts.

Use Emotionally-Packed Power Words

You’re selling a feeling - lean into those emotions. Use power words like: worry-free, stress-free. easy, guaranteed, reliable, etc.

People want the feeling of a clean home or a green yard - WITHOUT the work. They don’t want to worry about it, they don’t want to think about it, or get the supplies/tools they need. 

People need to justify their purchase.

Emotion → Logic

You’ve sold the feeling, now help them justify their decision with some logic. This is simple, because people are looking for it. You can help steer them in that direction - where logic takes over. This can be done using a bullet-pointed list. It’s no nonsense. Just the facts.

“A well-maintained lawn increases your property value.”
“With so many house cleaning chores off your plate, you’ll have plenty of time to spend with the kiddos.”

Give them the excuse they need to hire your company.

The Rule of One (seriously, don’t break it)

One CTA (call-to-action) in a marketing piece. Do not send them 20 different places to like your Facebook page and follow you on Instagram, and call your office and check out your website. Send them to 1 place with 1 small task. 

They can call for a quote OR they can submit online for a quote OR they can send you a message on Facebook. Choose one and use it on the marketing piece. You’re giving them time to rethink their purchase. Their initial emotion is fleeting. Options = work. They’re hiring you to NOT work.

People Buy with Emotion, Justify with Logic

You have a service, whether that be lawncare or home cleaning, but don’t sell on the basis of providing a service. Sell the feeling your service provides. Everyone wants a clean home and a luscious green yard but not a soul wants to do the work. They are looking for a reason not to, and it’s your job to help them find it.

Seriously DO THIS, and let us know how it goes! We want the best for you and your business, and we are confident this will do you wonders.

I look forward to hearing back from you.