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3 Best Ways to Get More Revenue from Your Existing Clients

The best source of new revenue for your lawn care business is right in front of you: your existing clients.

Would you rather water the grass that’s already there, or re-seed the whole yard? Upselling works on the same principles—it’s more efficient, cost-effective, and easier to sell to people who already buy from you.

On average, existing clients are worth more to your business than new clients, especially in the slower parts of the year.

So how do you get the most out of them? How do you sell to existing clients… without scaring them away?

The key is context: advertise to your clients when they’re most excited about your work, or when their desire for a solution is highest. Let me show you a few ways to do it right:

Find Instant Upsells

The first option is an eye-opener.

Get a list of your clients and a list of your services. Compare them, and find all the upsell opportunities. 

For example, say you offer weekly mowing and a fertilization package. All your clients who currently don’t pay for fertilization are prime candidates for an upsell. 

There’s a good chance they don’t even know you offer fertilization. Shoot them an email or a text and ask, “Would you like to sign up for your fertilization package, too?” 

You might be amazed at how much work you get from one simple message.

Build Upsells into Your Processes

Better yet, make sure your other services and upsells are immediately obvious in your sales process.

Create a “good, better, best” pricing option for your main services. A mowing package might look lik this:

  • Good: Weekly mowing and cleanup

  • Better: Weekly mowing and biweekly edging and cleanup.

  • Best: Full-service weekly mowing, trimming, cleanup, and preventative weed control applications. 

Put this new pricing on a good landing page, and your clients will start to upsell themselves!

Or, you can start marketing to your clients regularly. After the first job of the month, perhaps you send them an automated email that lets them know about your other services. 

Combine this with the “good, better, best” pricing options, and you’ve got an automatic upsell machine.

Send Ads to Existing Clients

Lawn Care Owners will pay so much money for new leads and new clients with Google and Facebook ads. But they won’t pay anything to get existing clients to buy more. This is one of the biggest mistakes we see all the time at Lightspeed Social Agency.

In reality, existing clients might be worth 5x as much as new clients. That means you should advertise to them 5x as much because you will get a higher ROI by focusing on people who already love you.

The best part?

Running ads to existing customers on Facebook is so much cheaper than other ads, and the results are stunning. Every time we do this for one of our clients, you can see their eyes light up.

We wrote a whole guide on how to retarget lawn care clients over here, but if you want help from an expert team of advertisers that specializes in the Green Industry, you should check out Lightspeed Social Agency. We specialize in landscape marketing, from Facebook to Google to Indeed, and our team creates powerful ads for landscape companies.

Our team will build ad campaigns that give you stronger ROI… from both new and existing clients.

Talk to us today, and we’ll show you how we can massively boost your marketing.