How to Upsell Your Landscaping Services

Upselling is a fantastic tool to increase your landscaping revenue. 

Whether it’s selling more to new clients or you want to grow revenue from existing clients, upsells allow you to sell more work—and make your clients even happier. 

Here’s the main point: if you don’t upsell, you’re leaving money on the table. People who bought from you before are extremely likely to buy from you again.

This article will show you how to think about upselling your landscaping services, and strategies for growing your revenue through upsells.

Make Clients Aware of Your Services

This is the #1 most easily missed opportunity for most landscaping businesses: 

If clients don’t know your services, they won’t buy them. 

Your goal is to make sure all your clients know about all your services. Create soft reminders and build your upsells into your whole business. Tell your clients about your services:

  • Include a link to your services page at the bottom of every email

  • When you talk to a client on the phone, tell them about your services

  • Use PPC Ads like Facebook for Business and Google Ads to upsell more work (more on this in a moment)

Remember: at this stage, you’re only trying to show new and existing clients all your landscaping services. Don’t worry about selling too hard yet—people will buy when they see what you offer.

Find Upsell Opportunities on Your Inspections

Do you walk your clients’ properties?

One of the best times to upsell a client is upon that initial quote or property inspection. 

Residential Landscaping

Walk the property, and take note of other problems and pain points your client might have. Then, when you hand them the quote, you can also tack on a few optional upsells. Chances are, they’ll get excited about at least one of them. 

By being on-site, you build up your trust, and it becomes easy for you to spot extra services and solutions that you might offer. 

Commercial Landscaping

If you perform routine inspections, this is the perfect opportunity to spot additional services. Take a few pictures, and email the property manager with a note saying, “Hey, if you want this problem fixed, my company can do that.” 

It couldn’t be easier. 

Create Eye-Catching Case Studies

The next three are more advanced upsell strategies, but they’re so worth it. 

Let’s start with case studies:

The concept here is to build up a portfolio of your landscaping work.

You want to create a case study for each of your services, with pictures, a testimonial from your past clients, and maybe a walk-through video if you want to really impress new clients. 

Then, when you want to pitch a new client on an upsell, you have the world’s best marketing materials: a case study that proves you can make your new client happy. 

These case studies can help you show clients what their property could look like, which gets them excited to buy right then and there.

Get Your Team Involved

Pay your team to sell for you. Seriously.

If they’re out in the field already, and they notice an upsell opportunity, incentivize them to go for it. Give them a cash bonus if they upsell your clients, or a small amount if they leave behind targeted upsell marketing materials (like flyers for clients that might need a new retaining wall).

Incentives are a great way to get your team involved and to multiply your own sales efforts at minimal cost.

Stay Front and Center with Retargeting Ads

If you want to grow your business faster, you need to optimize your advertising strategy on pay-per-click channels, like Facebook. 

In particular, retargeting ads are the most powerful upselling tool in your toolkit. 

Retargeting ads will target only the people who are most likely to buy your services because they’ve interacted with you before.

For example, a lead looks at the service you want to upsell, but they don’t buy yet. Retargeting ads follow them and make sure they don’t forget about you.

Why Do Upsell Ads Work So Well?

Most people don’t buy at first sight. Maybe they’re too busy, or maybe they forgot. There are limitless reasons for this.

Your goal here is to show up multiple times in a row. Retargeting ads allow you to strike while the iron is hot. They also allow you to only target your best leads and clients, so you get to see a huge return on your ad spend. That means real profit, with less work.

The only problem is they require a bit of setup and some monitoring for the best results. 

Fortunately, Lightspeed Social Agency can help you with that. We’re a small, proven agency that specializes in helping green industry owners get the ROI they deserve. We help landscaping owners like you build, run, and optimize your ad accounts for the best results. 

Talk to us today, and see how we can massively boost your marketing.


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