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No Leads? There’s a Leak in Your Marketing Funnel

It’s safe to say just about every business will have issues with their marketing funnel at one point or another. What sets great businesses apart from stagnant ones, is the ability to fix the problem and keep pushing. Deciding to throw the towel in after 2 weeks of marketing doesn’t even give you the time to diagnose the problem. When they decide to give it another go, they’ll most likely run into the same problem. Which is why you hear some business owners repeat, “marketing doesn’t work”. That’s silly.

Marketing isn’t one thing, it’s about building the right ecosystem.

We’re going to cover 3 crucial elements that may cause a leak in your funnel:

Facebook Targeting that’s Too Broad

Let’s say you’re a Dallas based lawn company - the LAST thing you should do is target the entire city of Dallas. First and foremost, it’s a massive area and it’ll send your mowing route all over town. That’s more gas, more man hours in a car, and less work for a typical 9-5 day.

Also, you just spent a bulk of your marketing dollars on people who don’t even have a yard… apartments. Find the areas that make economic sense of where you can build a route, and start there. It can be time consuming work, but it’s guaranteed you’ll deliver ads to the clients you want.

We’ll even show you how to do it!

Ads That Put You To Sleep… zzzzzzz

A snooze-fest advertising campaign creates more problems than just a bad ad. If your creative and ad copy isn’t converting, how would you really know what’s at fault? You may convince yourself that your targeting is off, or you may scrap the campaign altogether and spin your wheels for another selling season.

Take an honest look at your ads. Does it look cluttered? Can you identify your service in less than 2 seconds? Keep in mind, you’re competing with everything else on the internet. Is there an obvious CTA?

Tell them what' you’d like them to do. You’re paying for this space, don’t waste it on a collage.

Ready to make better ads? Let’s go.

You only have a couple seconds to grab their attention, so word choice is important. Keep your copy tight and engaging. Here’s a great place to start.

As for making better ads, this is a resource we like to use: Facebook Ad Library. It’s a collection of all ads currently running on Facebook. It can help give you fresh ideas, while also reminding you of how bad some ads are. It’s a great tool to help write better copy too, see what ads engage you and try to replicate that feeling.

Is Your Landing Page a Boring Non-Starter?

Genuinely, we’re only here to help. That being said, a majority of landing pages are disengaging and set up for failure.

If your landing page is just a simple form, you’re missing out on the majority of leads. You’re pretty much fishing with a hook and no bait. Most likely, they’ll hit your page and immediately backpedal once they see the ‘work’ they have to do. It’s much easier for them to keep scrolling Facebook than think about what service they need.

Your ad grabbed their attention and they followed you to your landing page, but there’s a disconnect. Your ad engaged them, but your landing page looks like a patient intake form. They’ll feel like they’ve been duped. For the better conversion rate, you want to create an experience from when they first see you to the quote page.

In the case of lawn care, these people just want a good looking lawn. They couldn’t care less about what the service is called.

Simplify your form.

  • Name

  • Address

  • Email

  • Optional Photo

The goal is to snag their info, and this is the quickest way to do it.

Treat your landing page as part of the sales pitch, because it is. Grab them with an eye-catching headline (not '“Contact Us”). Follow with a couple short and punchy paragraphs selling the benefits of your service. Before and after photos work great here. Now you have a story, and they can begin to envision having a green and healthy lawn. Your conversions are guaranteed to go up. No questions about it.

Ready to build a machine of a landing page? Watch our video and take notes.

Where to Start: Patch the Holes in Your Landscaping Funnel to Grow

We’d recommend converting your landing page into a sales page ASAP. We’ve given you the tools for how to write copy and the exact layout of how your page should look. Once you upgrade your landing page, you’ll wish you would’ve done so earlier, so get to it! It’ll stretch your marketing dollars much further and capture more leads.

You have a business to run, so this can get a bit overwhelming. You probably don’t want to spend your time learning to write copy, or talking with Facebook customer service (sheesh, talk about sensitive guidelines).

We’re here to help your business grow. With our expertise in landscape marketing, and building route-density - we deliver custom ads to the clients you want. You can focus on building the business, and we’ll give you the freedom to do so.

Talk with us today!