The BIGGEST Landing Page Mistakes

This isn’t new, as we’ve written on landing pages before, but there are so many business owners repeating these pitfalls. We had to drive it home on more time, and focus on 3 big mistakes we commonly see. Once you diagnose your problem, set some time aside to start planning your next steps. Don’t set it aside till next week. These are problems that can and will have a DAILY impact on the way you do business.

Your landing page is not something you can let go to the wayside. Maybe your business is doing fine with a mediocre landing page…guess what? It could be performing significantly better.

If you’re driving traffic to your site, but hardly any leads, 99% of the time it’s due to your landing page.

Here are the Top 3 Mistakes being made, and how to fix them:

#1 - Your Ads and Landing Page Aren’t Cohesive

This is the most common issue we see in most lawn and landscape businesses. The ad creative and copy are selling one thing, but the landing page isn’t sending that same message. They click your ad thinking, “oh, I’d like to have that.” But as soon as they hit the landing page they are a bit confused.

Your ad is saying “come on in, check it out!” but the landing page is in the corner, “eh, you can get a quote if you want”.

They will back out as soon as it loads, and return to watching Facebook food hacks. You might’ve lost them forever, because that trust has been broken.

THIS is why we stress the landing page so much. It’s one of the first impressions someone will have of your business, and a major key in customer acquisition. It separates the amateurs from the pros. These are unconscious, split-second decisions people are making about your business. They could easily be wrong, but that doesn’t matter. Everyone has a story they tell themselves, and you need to insert your influence and steer the conversation. Make every part of the customer experience count.

Here’s what the top 1% are doing:

  • Unique landing pages for each service. This is the difference maker when advertising your high-end services, such as holiday lighting and fertilizer programs. Your holiday lighting ads need to link to a holiday landing page. Again, keep your message fluid across platforms. It’s a journey. You’re asking them to leave Facebook, and as silly as it sounds, make it worth doing.

#2 Copy is Nonexistent

Here’s how we like to explain this issue to business owners…

You brought these people to your landing page using copy, why would you not continue the sale?

We’re not asking you to write a 12 page sales letter. Most likely, every page on your site has copy, so why not use it where it matters most?

Greet them with a headline related to the intended service. Here, you can take one:

  • (lawn care) Hassle-Free Lawn Care

  • (landscaping/hardscaping) Your Personal Oasis is Waiting…

  • (holiday lighting) Bring The Holiday Spirit Home

  • (snow removal) Snow Removal Made Simple

After the headline, write a short paragraph or two about the service. You want to sell your service. Don’t get caught up in the details of how an aerator works. Instead, focus on the benefits. “You’ll finally have the healthy lawn you’ve wanted. No more dead spots, or thin areas.”

#3 Overcomplicated Form

We get it. Getting all the necessary information at one time would be GREAT, but it throws a wrench into the customer experience. They have to stop and think about what they need. Someone may not know that their lawn requires aeration, they just want a nice lawn like you showed them! Do not list every service you offer, and ask for them to check what they would like.

Yes, this is more work for you on the back end. We’re only wanting to know that they are interested. Once they’ve invested the time in you, there’s a higher chance they’ll follow through. The goal is to make this as frictionless as possible.

Here’s what you ask for:

  • Name

  • Email

  • Phone Number

That’s all you need to send a follow-up email and get the details.

Take Action

If you’ve found yourself making any of these mistakes, it’s time to make a plan. Start simple. Condense your form and make it as bare bones as possible. Next, pull out a pen and paper (what I personally do) and start writing copy for your landing page. Don’t be discouraged, in most cases, anything is better than what you started with.

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