Email Marketing Works, Here’s How:

It’s something that all landscapers know they should do, but even those who follow through don’t see the results they wish for.

Their message is unclear, and they’re lucky to even get an open.

Here’s the recipe to a successful email campaign:

Sell ONE Service

I’ve read a lot of upsell emails from lawn and landscape businesses, and without fail, they’re cramming all of their seasonally specific services into one email. They usually read like a newsletter more than anything. The selling language is weak, and feels like a reminder, “hey there, we do leaf clean ups!”.

Marketing every service at once is rarely going to sell.

DO THIS - Send 5 emails that focus on ONE service.

So if you’re marketing fall clean ups, schedule 5 emails for that service. If you’re doing aeration/overseeding, send another 5. Each email needs to focus on a different pain point. Not everyone has the same needs, which is why your message should cater to as many people as possible. With fall clean ups, some people don’t want to bother with picking leaves up, while others don’t want the leaves to suffocate their grass. Different needs, same solution.

Your Subject Line Is The Hook

It’s the first thing they see. and decides whether or not they’ll open your email.

These are your customers, so take a minute to think about what would get them to click. Here are some tips for writing engaging subject lines. For your leaf removal service, you can use one of these subject lines, “No Hassle Leaf Removal” or “Reminder: Leaf Removal Starts Now”.

Pay attention to what emails are getting the highest open rate. Study the wording you used, so you can refine your subject line season after season.

Avoid using the word ‘Free’ as that will most likely send you straight to spam… and well, it does feel a little spammy.

The Details Do NOT Matter

The body copy of your email should lean into the benefits of your service.

Most emails I’ve read from landscape businesses focus on the “how”, and neglect the “why”.

You’re passionate about the details, which is great, but your customers don’t really care. A majority of them want a nice lawn without doing the work. This is especially important with a more complex service like aeration. If you focus on the details, it’s going to be very hard to get that sale.

Paint the picture of what your service does for them. With aeration, they’ll have healthy green grass for maximum curb appeal. No more doggy tracks, and they can finally get rid of those dirt patches. They don’t have to spend multiple weekends experimenting with different solutions, and wasting money on quick fixes. They’ll hire you!

Make It Easy, Like Stupid Easy

Great, they’ve read your email, now what?

We just need them to do ONE thing. We’re really honing in on “one thing at a time”, but it really is that crucial. The more choices, the less chance an action will be taken.

You only need to know that they’re interested in said service - nothing more!

This could look like, ‘reply back to this email for your estimate’ or a link that directs them to a form. If you go the form route, get the bare minimum from them (name, phone, email). THAT’S IT. Don’t even ask what service they want, that’s one too many questions. You can follow up with them later.

Yes, it’s more work for you on the front-end of the deal, but it’s going to close more sales.

Choose Your CRM

Personally, we’ve had great luck with Mailchimp and EmailOctopus.

There can be a bit of hurdle when getting familiar with either platform, so give yourself a couple days to get your emails in order before having to send them.

Tip to Increase Deliverability:

  • Verify Your Domain and Email

Need a Pro?

One thing is for certain, email marketing is not dead (not even close).

We’ve had on-going success for our own business as well as for our clients. It’s our bread and butter. With proper planning and execution, it will 100% convert clients. Look at your numbers, what’s your customer lifetime value? We both know it’s worth investing in email marketing.

Don’t let your leads gather dust or worse, be poached by your competition.

Want to turn leads into loyal customers?

Get in touch!


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