Bin Cleaning: The Perfect Time to Market

If you operate a route-based business, I’m sure you’ve either seen or heard about bin cleaning.

It’s been operating overseas for some time now, but has recently created space in the US market. There are a lot of business owners getting their hands in, but many are missing out on the opportunity to dominate their market.

You basically get to start with a fresh slate, as competition is almost nil.

Don’t let these easy pickings become more difficult than they should be.

They Need to Know Who You Are

Most people have never heard of bin cleaning, or that it’s even a problem. It’s your job to get them on board with the idea of bin cleaning, and to bring those pain points to the front of their minds. Luckily, convincing people to have their dirty trash bins cleaned is easier than ever.

It’s the elephant in the room - people are more cautious of germs and bacteria than any time before.

Trash bins can get absolutely disgusting, even if you consider yourself a clean person. It’s bound to happen. Trash bags tear and in combination with the summer heat - the smell of death is near. The odor is going to attract pest and unwanted critters, bringing more bacteria and disease with them. If marketed right, this can be an easy sell.

First, you need their attention.

The simplest (and free) way to do this - organic posting. Shoot videos from your phone showcasing your work, before and after photos, etc. Anything related to your business will work. Most people will find you through a social network, so don’t let your page collect cobwebs. I will say this, don’t expect clients to swarm after posting on Facebook. It’s the slow game, but it works.

Here’s the secret to more sales.

We’re still going to educate, but now through a paid ad campaign. It’s time to turn on the burners, and begin nurturing more leads. You’re a route-based business, which means you need tight clusters of clients.


We made this video with landscapers in mind, but the same principles apply to your bin cleaning business. THIS is how you send ads to the exact people you want.

Retargeting Ads to Sell More

A majority of businesses don’t do this, and it’s costing them A LOT of money.

Retargeting is the definition of “work smarter, not harder”.

Let me tell you how it works…

Retargeting ads allow you to send ads directly to people who’ve interacted with your business in the past, on or off Facebook.

They may have liked a video, visited your website, clicked on your initial ad, etc. Retargeting guarantees that these people will see you again. They are warm leads, and already aware of the solution your business brings.

This calls for more aggressive marketing. Initially, your goal was to educate. Now that you have some followers, it’s time to sell.

Your copy needs to create urgency and have a clear CTA (Call-To-Action).

Here are a couple examples, which you are free to use:

  • Bacteria thrives in your trash. Protect your loved ones with a complete sanitation and disinfection of your trash bins. Stop disease in its tracks. Book Your Appointment Today!

  • Dirty trash bins attract rodents & cockroaches. Plus, the summer heat only adds to serious bacteria growth. Kick germs to the curb - Schedule Your Bin Cleaning!

Couple your copy with some eye catching creative, and you’re on your way towards building a dense route.

Focus on The Business - We’ll Grow With You

We understand the numbers, bin cleaning needs a dense route to keep it profitable. Once you cost in the price of gas, man-hours, water, insurance, etc. It starts adding up.

Is bin cleaning profitable and scaleable?

Hell yeah it is.

With the right marketing, you can control areas before anyone else. You’ll have established your territory, and become a neighborhood name. There’s no reason to worry about competitors coming in and driving down the price. That’s their game to play, and we both know it’s first one to the bottom.

With Lightspeed Social, we’ll set you up to GROW. You don’t have to spend your time learning to write copy and building ads. You’re a business owner, not a creative director. We’ve got you covered.

Let’s grow your business, are you in?


Email Marketing Works, Here’s How:


Make Pest Control Ads That Convert in 3 Steps