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How to Sell More Fall Cleanups with Ads (Step-by-Step Guide)

Fall cleanups and leaf removal can be a huge boost to your business, especially in the autumn when things start to cool off. For the work involved, fall cleanups might be one of the most profitable services your lawn business can offer:

  • Easy to do

  • Makes any property look amazing

  • And your clients will pay a lot for you to handle this job for them

That means good news for owners like you: fall is a GREAT time to make money. Fall cleanups also give you the opportunity to spot and upsell problems to your best clients, like fertilization or aeration.

All you have to do is sell the work. Easier said than done, right? Actually, building a solid fall cleanup and leaf removal ad is easier than you think. It only takes 3 simple steps, and the fall clients will start flocking to your fall lawn services.

3 Steps to Perfect Fall Cleanup and Leaf Removal Ads

Step 1: Start with Killer Copy

What will your ad say?

When customers see your ad, they’re only going to ask one question: will this company make my property look good?

You have to focus on the benefits to the customer. Think about why they’re hiring a lawn company in the first place: they don’t have the time or the energy to do the work.

You’re helping them out, big time. So, focus on the big benefits your service gives them.

List of Fall Cleanup Benefits

  • Get a bunch of work off your plate

  • Sit back and let us do the work

  • Prepare and protect your plants and turf

  • Reduce fungal growth and diseases that might spread

  • Reduce pests that love to grow in rotting debris

  • Start crossing chores off your list by letting us do it!

You might also mention how you go the extra mile—like cleaning up hard-to-reach spots in the yard, or cleaning cobwebs around doors.

End with a Call to Action

Fall clean-up can be anything from raking leaves, to a ton of autumn services bundled together. Don’t worry about slapping every service you can think of in the ad—your main goal is to get them to the landing page (we’ll talk about that in step 3).

Right now, to close out the copy, all you need to do is to get your customers to take an action. So, tell them.

  • “Our fall schedule is filling up! Call now for your quote.”

  • “Book an appointment now and let us do the work.”

  • “Make your yard ready for fall. Call us today!”

Step 2: Use an Eye-catching Image

For some people, the image of a rake and a pile of leaves will trigger a powerful sense of nostalgia.

For others, it’ll trigger a whole list of chores they have to get done.

Either way, use that to your advantage. Images of leaf-covered yards or rakes and brown mulch bags will tell your customers instantly what they need.

Try testing out images that focus on the results being provided, not the service itself. Your customers don’t want to buy work, they want to buy results.

Grab a before and after image of your best fall cleanup, and use those images side-by-side to show your results. Or, keep it simple:

  • Kids jumping into leaves (nostalgia is powerful!)

  • A rake sitting next to a neatly cleaned up yard (maybe with a full brown bag in the background)

  • Leaves on the lawn, with a cleaned-up area and bagged leaves.

The idea is to make your customers think about the chores they have to do, and sell them the solution they want, all in a single image.

Step 3: Get Your Landing Page Ready to Rock

But this is where we see a ton of lawn care owners mess up: your landing page must work in harmony with your ad. If I click your ad, and I immediately feel like I took a wrong turn, I won’t buy.

If I click your ad, and I can’t figure out what to do next, I won’t buy.

Don’t lose clients who are ready to buy, right now. Make a great landing page for your fall cleanups and leaf removals. Make it easy and compelling for your customers to buy instantly.

The video below will show you exactly how to do it, but here’s a quick rundown:

  • Put a killer headline at the top

  • Put the form in an obvious spot high on your website, so clients can sign up or call you ASAP

  • Make sure your ads and landing page feel like they belong together (use similar copy and images)

  • Use copy and images that highlight your services. This is your chance to talk about every single service you provide for fall.

  • Includes testimonials from happy clients!

If you want landing pages that turn your leads into long-term, loyal clients, watch this video:

Need Help?

Running, optimizing, testing, and creating new ads can be overwhelming—especially when you already have so many other hats to wear in your business.

If you don’t have the time to do it yourself, you’re leaving money on the table.

At Lightspeed, we specialize in all things digital marketing for your business. We’ll build you a killer Facebook and Google ad campaign that’ll keep leads coming in. Want a landing page that converts? We can build that too. With our years of experience, we understand what it takes to build a successful marketing campaign.

Save your time and start selling more work.

Schedule a quote with us today.